Sunday, February 24, 2019

I thank the universe for song lyrics: a very disorganized brainstorming session

I've brainstormed like never before in my entire life.

Disclaimer to the reader: I would like to tell you that I am okay, happy and healthy. And I am not pregnant. You know, just in case.

These notes you just saw are probably 80% song lyrics. Song lyrics are the best thing to ever happen. Why? They're my number one source of inspiration. I sit down and analyze songs for leisure. Fun fact: I got this blog's URL from one of my favorite songs ever. I forever will deeply appreciate good lyrical work and I can't express it enough. Songs also help me visualize things. Whenever I listen to any song, I visualize colors, a landscape, a scenario, a mood. In fact, I have made a whole playlist called 'Visions' where there's room for any song that creates this effect for me. Here's the link.  Don't be surprised if I use one of these songs (which I will have to get a copyright from).

As soon as I knew bout this project, I knew that I would want to base my inspo on a song. I just don't know which one yet.

Is it possible to merge both coming of age and sci-fi? I mean why not right? I feel like every film ever has some kind of coming of age element. Character development and such. But then again I don't want some hybrid thing that turns out to be extremely odd and questionable. Or hey, maybe I can stick to the ironic route and make the intro about a young frustrated writer who lacks inspiration to make her own short film. (so qUIrKy and OriGInaL)

It's two minutes of a final outcome and I am doing somewhat extensive research, I wonder what it's like to do this for a whole movie.

11:49 AM -  I am pacing around my room and I have the idea at the tip of the tongue

11:58 AM - I am considering writing a blog of my own, this is kind of cool

11:58 AM - I am now realizing this is really irrelevant for this blog

In conclusion: 
  • I know I want to do coming of age, but I want it to have a twist maybe involved with sci-fi
  • There's too many good songs and I can't choose one to base my film on
  • I need to really think
  • Like really think

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