Tuesday, March 12, 2019

A few changes

After discussing my whole idea with Stoklosa, I became aware of a couple of things:
  • I need to establish the fact that my character wants to be a groupie
  • My piece would create a better general idea if it was set in a earlier decade, like the 80s or 90s, which means that I won't do the texting thing anymore
So I have two options:
  1. The movie takes place in this time exactly, and the fact that she's a groupie is given away by the fact that she's looking at pictures of groupies with band members online. 
  2. The movie takes place in the 90s, and the fact that she's going to see a band is given away by a flier placed in her desk. Her wanting to be a groupie is given away by the pictures of groupies in her wall, or scattered around her room. And the viewer is informed that her friend's picking her up by honking a horn, rather than texting.
Overall, I feel like this piece would fit better if it were to happen during the 90s, rather than today. It would feel more authentic if it was set in a past era, and I could use inspiration from movies of the 90s. So these are the changes I'll be doing:
  • I will be showing more posters and photographs of groupies, as well as the band posters
  • I will be including a shot of a flier from the concert she'll be attending
  • instead of her friend texting her that he's here, he will honk the horn and she will look out the window.

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It's been a journey

My eyes are dry my back hurts i am going crazy and I feel like I've got a sunburn for sitting in the computer for five hours straight...